Police Brutality

You are 2725% more likely to die in the presence of police than in the presence of a regular citizen.

Calculating the relative killing ratio of police vs. citizens is a simple matter...

    • First, you need to calculate the annual rate of police killing citizens:

    • Then you need to calculate the annual rate of citizens killing citizens:

    • Dividing one by the other gives the answer to how likely you are to be killed around police compared to around a regular citizen:

      • 28.25 = 1.28E-3 / 4.53E-5 Ratio of citizens killed by police to citizens killed by citizens

If that answer were 1.00, it would mean that you are just as likely to die (no more, no less) around police than around regular citizens...no more, no less. However, that number is 27.25 higher than 1.00, which means you are 27.25 times (aka 2725%) more likely to die around police than around regular citizens.

But, policing is such a dangerous occupation, right? Not really. Again, it's a simple matter to calculate:

If that anser were 1.00, it would mean that the policing occupation is just as likely to result in death (no more, no less) than the aggregate of all occupations. It is slightly higher, which means that policing as an occupation is 7.9% more likely to result in death than other occupations. Perhaps undesirable, but does that increased risk warrant the slaughter they've been perpetrating on civilians? I believe the answer is obvious to any rational thinker.